
Tennissaite - Tennisman CUBE - 200 m

Item #: TM-1140-200
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Reduced from RRP 89,90 €

200 lfdm | from 0,20 €/lfdm
incl. VAT, plus shipping

Made In Germany!

The Tennisman CUBE is is a square profile polyolefin String with  carbon + polyolefin. The special of this string is that is finished with a special Thermo Foil Cooling Process.
The edges of the string are rounded, so the string is more durable then strings with sharp edges. Also the two Flat surfaces, mains/crosses, which are in contact with each other give extra durability, no notching, and a perfect snap back effect..
It measures 1.20mm across the flat sides and therefore plays like a much thinner string increasing power and control.


further Informations:
color: silver
shape: square with rounded edges
length 12 m
diameter: 1,20 mm 
BRAND Tennisman
PRODUKT Tennisstring
COLOR silvergrey
SHAPE round
MATERIAL Co-Polyester
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