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    Besaitungsmaschine - Yonex PRECISION3.0, Badminton
    FEATURES EFFICIENT: TURNTABLE Rigid stainless-steel arms reduce damage to the racquet frame. Compact turntable allows for smoother stringing process. PRECISE: CLAMP Crafted to grip the finest and softest strings, these clamps prevent loosening, creating efficient workflow. Their lightweight design minimizes fatigue during the long stringing process. USER-FRIENDLY: CONTROL PANEL It offers a wide range of tension settings, with user-friendly button layout and highly visible LED display for improved work efficiency. ORGANIZED: TOOL TRAY A wide tool tray stowed underneath to create a well-organized workspace. Size Approx. 1,036mm (W) x 459mm (D) x 1,080-1,280mm (H) Pull Speed 3 speeds Tension Range 11-46 lbs (0.5 increments); 5-21 kg (0.2 increments) Pre Stretch 0.5, 10, 15% Item Code SPR30B
    4.999,00 € * Weight: 30 kg
    Besaitungsmaschine - Yonex PRECISION3.0, Badminton
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    4.999,00 € * Weight: 30 kg